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2024-02-16 12:05:17
美[trɪpsɪnədʒən]  英[trɪpsɪnədʒən]
n.  [生化]胰蛋白酶原


  1. inactive precursor of trypsin; a substance secreted by the pancreas and converted to active trypsin by enterokinase in the small intestine


  1. Human trypsinogen activation peptide,TAP Elisa... 人胰蛋白酶原激活肽(TAP)试剂盒;
  2. Mouse trypsinogen activation peptide,TAP Eli... 小鼠胰蛋白酶原激活肽(TAP)试剂盒;
  3. An enzyme secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa that converts the inactive trypsinogen to the digestive enzyme trypsin. 肠激酶上肠粘膜分泌出的一种酶,将不活跃的胰蛋白酶原转化为消化性胰蛋白酶
  4. Bayliss also showed how the enzyme trypsin was formed from inactive trypsinogen and measured precisely the time it took to digest protein. 贝利斯也证明了胰岛素是怎样从静止的胰蛋白原中形成的,并且精确的测量了其消化蛋白质的次数。
  5. Objective: To expore the changes of urinary trypsinogen activation peptide (TAP) levels in patients with acute pancreatitis(AP). 目的:观察急性胰腺炎(AP)患者尿中胰蛋白酶原激活肽(TAP)的动态变化特点及其临床意义。
  6. Intended use This immunoassay kit allows for the specific measurement of human trypsinogen activation peptide,TAP concentrations in cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma. 预期应用 ELISA法定量测定人血清、血浆或其它相关液体中胰蛋白酶原激活肽(TAP)含量。