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2024-02-16 12:19:16
美[zɑːrɪzəm]  英[zɑːrɪzəm]
n.  沙皇制(专制统治)


  1. Russian Marxists all detested tsarism, cared about improving the lot of the working class, and drew inspiration from Marxs writings. 俄国的马克思主义者都厌恶专制政治、关切改善多数劳动阶级的待遇和从马克斯的著作吸收灵感。
  2. Russia did not join in the bourgeois revolution, and there appeared absolutely Tsarism, autarchy, terror, individual superstition and police country after its revolution. 摘要俄国没有参与资产阶级革命,革命后的俄国出现了绝对的沙皇主义、独裁、恐怖、个人迷信和警察国家。
  3. Even the bourgeois revolution whose slogans were freedom and equality and which liberated countless citizens from the tsarism of feudal empire still failed to grant women the equal status with men. 即使是高举着自由、平等大旗的资产阶级革命在将世人从封建王权的专制统治中解放出来的同时也未能将平等自由的光芒惠撒在女性身上。