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2024-02-16 12:46:16
美[ˌtuːətɑːrə]  英[ˌtuːətɑːrə]
n.  (新西兰产的)大蜥蜴


  1. only extant member of the order Rhynchocephalia of large spiny lizard-like diapsid reptiles of coastal islands off New Zealand


  1. The tuatara of New Zealand is the only extant rhynchocephalian.. 纽西兰的蜥蜴为目前硕果仅存的喙头类动物。
  2. The tuatara of New Zealand is the only extant rhynchocephalian. 纽西兰的蜥蜴为目前硕果仅存的喙头类动物。
  3. A prehistoric reptile, tuatara, has been found nesting in New Zealand. 一种史前爬行类动物,在纽西兰发现它们的巢穴。
  4. Clinging to life on an offshore crag, a tuatara looks little different from his Jurassic relatives. 译文:侏罗纪时代图片集。死抱着在海面上的峭壁,一只新西兰大蜥蜴看起来有点不同,从它的侏罗系的亲属。
  5. The tuatara, the ancient lizard with its third eye, was sentinel here, unblinking in the hot sun, watching and waiting to the east. 远古三眼蜥蜴是这儿的哨兵,在艳阳下眼睛一眨也不眨,望向东方,观望著,等待著。
  6. Saving the tuatara is a matter of pride among New Zealands indigenous groups. The animals are revered by the Maori as a taonga, or treasure. 拯救大蜥蜴在新西兰土著部落里是一件荣耀的事情。这种动物被毛利人视宝贵财富。