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2024-02-16 13:02:16
美[tjuːbɜːkjələ(r)]  英[tjuːbɜːkjələ(r)]
adj.  有小瘤的;结节的;结核的


  1. a person with pulmonary tuberculosis
  1. characterized by the presence of tuberculosis lesions or tubercles;

    "tubercular leprosy"

  2. pertaining to or of the nature of a normal tuberosity or tubercle;

    "a tubercular process for the attachment of a ligament or muscle"

  3. relating to tuberculosis or those suffering from it;

    "a tubercular hospital"

  4. constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or the tubercle bacillus;

    "a tubercular child" "tuberculous patients" "tubercular meningitis"


  1. Who wouldnt be tubercular from the punishment he received? 象他那样吃过苦的人,谁能不得肺病?
  2. The present study encounted 339 patients with tubercular meningitis and the incidence of ocular sequelaes is 11%. 统计本院创立民国65年至民国81年底16年间,339个结核性脑膜炎的病例,其中有眼部并发症者共37例(11%25)。
  3. The other tubercular infective or concomitant features contributed to the diagnosis of this disease. 颅内其它结核感染征象有助于诊断。
  4. The keratinous form of epidermal cell was varied (even incrassate, tubercular, lamellar, and so on). 叶绿体椭球形、数多、个体大,主要分布于叶肉组织,集中于栅栏组织。
  5. Objective To investigate the disdiagnosed cause of tubercular otitis media and mastoiditis. 目的探讨结核性中耳乳突炎误诊原因。
  6. Results:TBQ injection was able to reduce tubercular area of viscera and prolong ST50 of tubercular rat model. 结果:TBQ注射剂能在一定程度上降低结核病模型小鼠的脏器结核病变面积,延长其ST50。