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2024-02-16 13:10:17
美[tjuːˌbɜːkjəloʊmə]  英[tjʊbɜːkjʊləʊmə]
n.  [医](尤指脑内的)结核瘤


  1. Tuberculoma was particularly prevalent in young patients. 肺结核球多见于青年病人。
  2. The non enhancement area of tuberculoma was due to caseous necrosis. 结核瘤的无强化区为干酪样坏死灶,结核瘤的不同强化形态取决于包膜的富血管、整度及厚度。
  3. Objective:To analyze the reasons leading to misdiagnosis of untypical pulmonary tuberculoma. 目的:对不典型肺结核误诊原因进行分析。
  4. Objective To study the clinic and X-ray characteris tics of tuberculoma of pleura. 目的探讨胸膜结核球临床及X线特点。
  5. Therefore, it is necessary to keep HRCT as a routine scan after SCT for the diagnosis of tuberculoma. 因此,HRCT作为SCT扫描的补充手段对于一些结核瘤的诊断是必不可少的。
  6. Objective To improve the level of diagnosis and operative treatment of intracranial tuberculoma. 目的提高脑结核瘤的诊断和手术治疗水平。