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2024-02-16 13:39:17
美[tʌkəˌhoʊ]  英[tʌkəhəʊ]
n.  伏苓


  1. perennial herb of the eastern United States having arrowhead-shaped leaves and an elongate pointed spathe and green berries


  1. Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland, in 1817. 道格拉斯1817年出生在马里兰州的Tuckahoe。
  2. What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat? 桂枝茯苓丸是治疗什么病的?
  3. Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I receive them the same. 卡纳克人,塔卡荷人,国会议员,黑人,我相同地给予他们,我相同地接纳他们。
  4. Tuckahoe contains the part such as protein, adipose, lecithin, reason has effect of take a tonic to build up health. 茯苓含有蛋白质、脂肪、卵磷脂等成分,故有补养作用。
  5. Tuckahoe has be good at lienal in filling, benefit waterlogging is wet, action of Ning Xinan god. 茯苓有健脾补中,利水渗湿,宁心安神作用。
  6. Main compositions: Sour orange, tuckahoe, carapace element, fat-removing saponin etc. 主要成份:代代花,茯苓,甲壳素,清脂皂素等