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2024-02-16 14:00:16
美[tʊɪ]  英[tʊɪ]
n.  蜜雀(新西兰产)


  1. Ma Tui is ferroguinous, may rise and fall. 马腿是铁质的,可升降。
  2. Tui Xiangzi similar to the puzzle game. 类似推箱子的益智游戏。
  3. Q: What business does Tui china do in china aside from inbound? 问:除入境游外,途易中国在中国还有哪些业务?
  4. Cha ku mang, ki yiong nang, pa bu chor liao mu ke tui? 恰古忙,基用那,怕不求老木该对?
  5. If this is the case, the telephone user interface (TUI) is used. 如果是这种情况,则使用电话用户界面(TUI)。
  6. Transurethral incision (TUI) is a simple and safe procedure. 摘要经尿道切开手术是一种简单且安全的手术。