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2024-02-16 14:09:16
美[tjuːləpˌwʊd]  英[tjuːlɪpwʊd]
n.  郁金香木


  1. the variegated or showily striped ornamental wood of various tulipwood trees
  2. light easily worked wood of a tulip tree; used for furniture and veneer


  1. The variegated or showily striped ornamental wood of various tulipwood trees. 各种有色条纹木材树的木材,有杂色或华丽的条纹,用于装饰。
  2. A Very Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu. 取得很好的法国路易十五风格的镀金青铜装镶嵌,红木和郁金香木桌上的环境。
  3. Total U.S. hardwood log exports were down 25% through July despite modest year-on-year increases in Yellow Poplar (Tulipwood) and Birch shipments. 在7月,美国硬木原木出口下降了25%25,尽管黄杨木和桦木出口量同比有所上升。
  4. Each table carved in mahogany and tulipwood veneers, fitted with an ivory-hautacam marble top, gilt-bronze leafs and acanthus frieze, the legs with rings and sabots. 在红木雕刻和鹅掌楸单板每个表,用象牙欧塔坎大理石外,金铜叶子楣和老鼠装,弹托与环和腿部。
  5. Burma tulipwoodn. 缅甸红黄檀