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2024-02-16 14:14:16
美[tʌlwɑː]  英[tjʊlwɑː]
n.  曲刀;弯刀


  1. Yatekan tulwar!World famous blade! 亚特坎弯刀啊!世界名刃啊!
  2. The curve of Arab tulwar is close to 90 degrees. 阿拉伯弯刀的弧度接近90度。
  3. The curve of Arab tulwar is close to 90 degree! 阿拉伯弯刀的弧度接近90度了!
  4. What Arab rides is the eximious Arab horses,which is fast and good at fast war.The tulwar of large curve adapts to it. 阿拉伯人骑乘的是优良的阿拉伯马,速度快,适于快速作战,弧度大的弯刀正是适合这种作战需要。
  5. The curve of Arab tulwar is close to 90 degree!It isnt fit for Chinese habit.I think the curve of cavalry Dao ...... 阿拉伯弯刀的弧度接近90度了!不适合中原的习惯。我个人认为马刀弧度最多不能少于120度角。
  6. It is said that when Arab cavalries combatting,they used the tulwar sidewards,and cut the enemys head.Of course its just an example. 据说阿拉伯骑兵作战时,把弯刀横着使用,专削敌人脖颈,当然这只是个例。