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2024-02-16 14:24:17
美[tʌmbrəl]  英[tʌmbrəl]
n.  双轮运货车;施肥车


  1. a farm dumpcart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution


  1. He mounted both the tumbril and scaffold with him. 他和他一同上囚车,一同上断头台。
  2. He mounted the tumbril with him, he mounted the scaffold with him. 他和他一同上囚车,一同上断头台。
  3. The second tumbril empties and moves on;the third comes up. 第二辆囚车下完了人走掉了,第三辆开了上来。
  4. A man condemned to death is listening to his confessor in the tumbrel. 巴黎的孩子嚷了起来:“他和吃教门饭的讲话。
  5. He too entered retirement not on a tumbril but in a limousine, with $160m to soothe his discomfort. 美林为此付给奥尼尔1.;6亿美元补偿金,所以在退休之后他大可以开豪华轿车而不是拖拉机。
  6. The artist sketched the queen, by then aged 37, as she passed by his window in a tumbrel, hair cut short and hands tied behind her back, ready for the guillotine. 画中时年37岁的王后头发被剪短,双手反绑,坐在死囚押送车里,路过画家窗前赶赴断头台。