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2024-02-16 14:45:16
美[tjuːmʌltʃuəslɪ]  英[tjuːmʌltʃuəslɪ]
adv.  骚乱地;喧闹地


  1. in a tumultuous and riotous manner;

    "the crowd was demonstrating tumultuously"


  1. Now her bosom rose and fell 11)tumultuously. 现在,她内心骚动不安。
  2. Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. 此时,她的胸脯急促地起伏。
  3. A mighty spirit of revolt heaved tumultuously within him. 一股强有力的反抗精神在他身子里排山倒海似的汹涌起来。
  4. "Well, here we all are," said Phineas, peeping over the stone breastwork to watch the assailants, who were coming tumultuously, up under the rocks. “好啦,大家都过来了,”裴尼亚斯说,一面从石屏障后面探出头去窥视着悬崖下面喧嚣而上的敌人。
  5. The window, tattooed with grape-shot, had lost glass and frame and was nothing now but a shapeless hole, tumultuously blocked with paving-stones. 窗上弹痕累累,玻璃和窗框都已不在,只是一个畸形的洞而已,用铺路石乱七八糟地堵着。
  6. In the meantime, while some sang, the rest talked together tumultuously all at once;it was no longer anything but noise. 这时,有几个人唱着歌,其余的人都谈着话,稀里哗啦,也不分个先后,到处只有一片乱嘈嘈的声音。