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2024-02-16 15:11:17
美  英
sp.  见Dunhuang


  1. A wall painting at Tunhuang from the Five Dynasties period (907 to 959). 五代敦煌壁画,菩萨手捧石榴花果。
  2. For example, works on archaeological discoveries at Tunhuang are grouped with those under Sinkiang rather than under Kansu. 例如,以敦煌考古学上的发现为内容的文献,被归类于新疆文献,而不是甘肃文献。
  3. With all these and the additional coins excavated in Mogao Grottoes and neighboring area of Tunhuang, we had got a base to study the economy and currency in these three periods. 结合简牍、文书的记载,证以钱币实物,为我们研究敦煌这三个时期的经济、货币状况打下基础。
  4. Buddhist Paintings in Central Asia and Its Influence at Tunhuang 中亚佛教绘画及其在敦煌的影响
  5. Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Manuscripts from Tunhuang in the British Museum 大英博物院藏敦煌汉文写本注记目录