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2024-02-16 15:43:17
美[tɜːbɪdlɪ]  英[tɜːbɪdlɪ]
adv.  混浊地;浓密地


  1. Study on Stability of Turbid Beverage of Silphium Perfoliatum L. 混浊型串叶松香草饮料稳定性研究。
  2. Never a mountain rocky and steep, Never a river turbid and deep. 没有深水渠,汪洋一片没有大山阻,高薄云天。
  3. Hope you not confused by this open and turbid route. 望读者不为本文混乱之开放思路迷惑。
  4. Which are turbid because of ice And into which the snow melts. 现在你们正是这样.看见惊吓的事便惧怕。
  5. Rapid Modeling of MPE Microscopic Imaging Through Turbid Medium[J]. 引用该论文 鲁强;曾绍群;骆清铭;阮玉.
  6. He found himself content to watch idly the sluggish flow of the turbid stream. 他心安理得地懒洋洋地望着混浊的河水缓缓流着。