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2024-02-16 16:36:16
美[tjʊərɪən]  英[tjʊərɪən]
n.  [植]具鳞根出条


  1. Sprouting of V. spinulosa turion was not affected by heavy metal in sediment. 沉积污染环境中,刺苦草鳞茎的萌发未受到重金属的影响。
  2. During continuous removal of seedlings, germination ratio and seedling number of big turion were keeping high. 经过贮藏的石芽与未经贮藏的石芽相比,萌发快且萌发整齐。
  3. All want to take home and change the face of the new home, so that they Turion family, bright? 想把这一切都带回家,改变家居新面容,让家里又炫又亮?
  4. Sediment depth, water regime and turion size had pronounced impact onemergence of turion. 埋藏深度、水分状况和鳞茎本身的大小都显著影响鳞茎的出土能力。
  5. Turion weight showed significant differences between classes (with one bud, two buds and three buds). 具有不同芽数的鳞茎的重量差异显著。
  6. Average turion size of V. spiralis in Liangzi Lake increased with depth range from 2cm to 30cm in silt. 苦草鳞茎在梁子湖的垂直分布深度与其大小呈显著正相关;