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2024-02-16 16:56:16
美[tɜːrnəraʊnd]  英[tɜːnəraʊnd]
n.  周转时间;好转;转身;回车场;(轮船、飞机的)终点装卸时间


  1. 转变
  2. 转机
  3. 归航
  4. 周转
  5. 转向
  6. 转身
  7. 彻底改变
  8. 突然好转
  9. 突然转坏
  10. 回车场
  11. 回车道
  12. 终点装卸时间
  13. 好转
  14. 时限
  15. 周转期
  16. 起色
  17. 彻底转变
  18. 车辆调头处
  19. 转折
  20. 转折点


  1. time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip
  2. a decision to reverse an earlier decision
  3. an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around
  4. act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip
  5. turning in the opposite direction


  1. Unloading and loading a ship is very fast and the turnaround is much shorter.装卸集装箱船速度很快,周转时间也短得多。
  2. Anticipation of an economic turnaround lifted the Dow Jones higher.预期经济好转促使道琼指数翻升。
  3. Has passed the most difficult period and could see a turnaround this year?已度过最艰难时期,明年情况将会好转?
  4. Yao scored on seemingly effortless jump hooks and short turnaround jumpers.姚明在比赛中,经常转身跳投,或者是勾手命中,看起来似乎不费吹灰之力。