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2024-02-16 17:12:16
美[tɜːrnaʊt]  英[tɜːnaʊt]
n.  到场人数;产出;衣着;投票人数;出动;扫除


  1. 出动
  2. 装备
  3. 出席者
  4. 产量
  5. 装束
  6. 清理
  7. 清除
  8. 产额
  9. 衣着
  10. 设备
  11. 避车道
  12. 出口道
  13. 侧线
  14. 岔线
  15. 出来
  16. 上班
  17. 聚集人数
  18. 产品
  19. 服装
  20. 到场人数


  1. the group that gathers together for a particular occasion;

    "a large turnout for the meeting"

  2. a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park
  3. a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass
  4. what is produced in a given time period
  5. a set of clothing (with accessories);

    "his getup was exceedingly elegant"

  6. attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election);

    "the turnout for the rally"

  7. (ballet) the outward rotation of a dancers leg from the hip


  1. I hadnt expected such a big turnout.我没想到会有那么多人来。
  2. Despite hopes of a larger turnout they were well pleased with the rally.尽管希望与会者人数更多,他们还是对此次集会表示满意。
  3. There have is a great increase in the factorys turnout this year.今年这家工厂的产量提高不少。
  4. He gives little thought to his turnout.他不注意穿著。
  5. Your smart turnout and fine bearing at the parade just now were very impressive.刚才各位结业学员步伐整齐,制服鲜明,使我留下深刻印象。
  6. There was quite a good turnout at the polls.投票率相当好。
  7. The turnout of voters was low in many localities.在许多地区选民投票率很低。
  8. Firemen is ready at all times for a sudden turnout.消防队员时刻准备着紧急出动。
  9. Ill give my room a good turnout.我要好好清扫一下房间。