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2024-02-16 17:47:17
美[tʊʃə]  英[tuːʃə]
n.  黑墨;制版墨(一种腻性液态油墨)


  1. Using the etching needle, litho crayon, various aquatint solutions, or greasy tusche washes on copperplates or lithostones, artist such as John Cage, E. 使用刻针,石版画有色粉笔,各种凹铜版腐蚀制版法,或者用多脂制版墨粉刷到铜板或石版上。
  2. The tools and materials of Chinese calligraphy are comprised of brush, tusche, rice paper and inkstone, which are generally called four treasures of the Chinese study. 中国书法的工具和材料基本上是由笔、墨、纸、砚来构成的,人们通常把它们称为“文房四宝”。
  3. Tusch 图施