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2024-02-16 17:51:17
美[tʌskə]  英[tʌskə]
n.  有长牙的象


  1. any mammal with prominent tusks (especially an elephant or wild boar)


  1. It was a shamefully long time since either she or Tusker had been to church. 说来惭愧,她和塔斯克都很久未进教堂了。
  2. But if people don’t heed to our advice and harass the tusker, then it can retaliate. 要是人们不听我们的忠告、非要激怒它的话,它可能会报复的。”
  3. Its a scrum as every tusker shoves his way to the center. Two walruses plow into each other. Each tries to push the other one back. 在所有长着长牙的雄海象挥舞着长牙向冰面中心推进时,冰面上乱作一团。两只海象相互猛凿。它们都想把对方向后推。
  4. Excellent are well-trained mules, thoroughbred Sindhu horses and noble tusker elephants. But better still is the man who has subdued himself. 已受驯服的骡、骏马与大象是优良的;然而能以(道智)制伏自己者更为优良。
  5. Musty during rut, the tusker named Dhanapalaka is uncontrollable. Held in captivity, the tusker does not touch a morsel, but only longingly calls to mind the elephant forest. 那名为护财的象发怒时是难以制伏的,被捕后它绝食,只想着要回去象林(照顾母亲)。
  6. "The tusker then inserts its trunk inside the vehicle andsniffs for food," local resident Prabodh Mohanty,who has come across theelephant twice,was quoted as saying. "这头大象就会把鼻子伸进车里,将里面的食物吸出来,一卷而光。"当地居民莫汉蒂已经与它有过两次狭路相逢。