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2024-02-16 17:55:17
美[tʌsɪs]  英[tʌsɪs]
n.  [医]咳嗽
  形容词:tussal  名词复数:tusses


  1. How to handle should baby cold tussis? 宝宝感冒咳嗽该咋办?
  2. The dog had had tussis before the dog having a delicate appetite , not being apt drink water , the nose turning dry. 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>五官科>狗狗食欲不振,不爱喝水,鼻子发干,之前有过咳嗽。
  3. My throat is fond of tussis , all over boring, temperature 37 spends 8; Can be H1N1 flu? 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>人体常识>我喉咙疼咳嗽,全身没劲,体温37度8;会不会是H1N1流感?
  4. Differentiation Experience of Chronic Tussis in Lung Cancer 肺癌久咳辨治经验
  5. Effects of Schisandra Fruit and Earthworm Decoction on Tussis 五味地龙汤的止咳作用研究
  6. Application of terbutaline to prevent the asthma recrudesce of variable tussis 应用特布他林预防咳嗽变异性哮喘复发