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2024-02-16 18:29:17
美[taɪr]  英[taɪr]
n.  鼓风口


  1. Tuyere Langjian unprecedented in the real estate industry. 房地产业前所未有的处在风口浪尖上。
  2. Again prices, plus interest rate to Langjian tuyere. 再次将房价、加息问题推向浪尖风口。
  3. Undoubtedly, the boy was standing at the tuyere Langjian days. 无疑,蔡育天正好站在了这个风口浪尖上。
  4. Used as Kiln shed board, slide push board, sagger, Tuyere combined bricks. 工业窑炉棚板、滑板、推板、匣钵、风口组合砖。
  5. For example, cooling water circulate constantly through the tuyere, hearth staves, bosh and inwall cooling plate etc. 例如,冷却水不停地在风口、炉身、炉腹和内壁冷却板等部位循环流动。
  6. The hot air is always carried to the furnace by a powerful turboblower, through the hot blast main, bustle pipe, bootleg, blowpipe and tuyere. 热风由功率强大的鼓风机通过热风总管、环形风管、风口小弯管、直吹管和风口不断鼓人高炉。