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2024-02-16 18:45:17
美[twiːdəl]  英[twiːdl]
v.  啁啾声;以音乐诱引;不经意地弹奏


  1. sing in modulation
  2. play negligently on a musical instrument
  3. entice through the use of music


  1. The tweedle is leisurely, dance is elegant, and songs are loud singing. 琴声悠悠,舞姿翩翩,歌声嘹亮。
  2. Allegedly he plays the tweedle that go out to be able to draw phoenix, can make bird dances. 据说他弹出的琴声可以把凤凰引来,可以使鸟儿跳舞。
  3. In the disabled person Training bases day, the Zhao monthly total can hear the singing sound which and the tweedle the room spreads from Yang Bozun. 在残疾人训练基地的日子里,赵月总能听到从杨博尊房间里传出的歌声和琴声。
  4. Hereafter, he visited over a hundred countries along with the Chinese disabled person art group, the tweedle has moved millions of person. 此后,他随着中国残疾人艺术团出访了上百个国家,琴声打动了千千万万人。
  5. A tweedle surrounding night, close your eyes and listen to the music in your memories, allow yourself to be impressed again. 在琴声围绕的夜晚,闭上双眼,倾听被自己记在心中的音乐,让自己再一次被感动。
  6. I could feel of their anger because they dont eat a lot neither do they tweedle, they just keep flying and bumping the cage. 它们的愤怒是显而易见的,不太爱吃东西,也不叫,只是在笼子里不停地飞,冲撞着笼子。