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2024-02-16 19:17:17
美[twɪgɪ]  英[twɪgɪ]
adj.  多细枝的;小枝繁茂的
  比较级:twiggier  最高级:twiggiest


  1. thin as a twig


  1. Bush upright, twiggy, roots particularly susceptible to Armillaria. 布什正派;枝状;根系特别容易蜜.
  2. Twiggy was a little of both boy and girl, a mirror of her time. 崔姬又像男孩又像女孩,是她当时真实的生活写照。
  3. Who get a sweet dream with Twiggy Laswon little plain minidress ...? 配合瞬间灵异效果的照片...脑海中瞬间想到的...
  4. It appears that the plant is called abutilon, or Chinese Lantern. It is a twiggy and lanky plant but the flowers are prolific. 看起来这种植物是青麻或称中国灯笼;是种枝干细长但多花的植物.
  5. The mystique of thin began with the arrival of the British model Twiggy in the late 1960s. 关于瘦的神话始于20世纪60年代后期英国模特崔姬的横空出世。
  6. Banks leads the panel of judges for cycle 6, including living fashion icon Twiggy, runway expert J. 来自美国不同地方和阶层、年龄介乎18至27的参赛者,经过筛选后,顺利进入最后阶段。