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2024-02-16 20:09:16
美[tɪmpən]  英[tɪmpən]
n.  薄膜状物;压纸格;门楣中心


  1. a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end


  1. A piece of paper used on a press tympan to vary the pressure that produces light and dark tones. 轮廓纸为调整印刷压力而覆在调压滚筒上的纸,产生明暗相间的色度
  2. a piece of paper used on a press tympan to vary the pressure that produces light and dark tones 轮廓纸,为调整印刷压力而覆在调压滚筒上的纸,产生明暗相间的色度
  3. Keywords cholesteatoma posterior part of tympan operative approach from external auditory canal surgical intervention; 胆脂瘤;鼓室后部;外耳道进路;外科手术;
  4. oiled Manila tympan 浸渍马尼拉衬纸
  5. tympan(o)- 鼓室
  6. oiled tympan paper 浸油衬垫纸