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2024-02-16 21:24:16
美  英
n.  提洛尔人
adj.  提洛尔人的;提洛尔区居民的


  1. a native or inhabitant of the Tyrol
  2. soft green felt hat with a feather or brush cockade
  1. of or relating to or characteristic of the Tyrol or its people;

    "Tyrolean yodeling"


  1. The starters were Tyrolean style. 开始的几道菜是蒂罗儿当地特色菜。
  2. The chef pampers you with typical Tyrolean dishes and Austrian cuisine. 取消政策:如果在入住日7天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。
  3. No Italian soldier ever could put a foot on Tyrolean ground during the war. 在一战期间,意军无法踏入蒂罗儿土地。
  4. Most buildings in St. Ulrich are built in Austrian (Tyrolean) style. 该镇的许多建筑都是奥地利(蒂罗儿)风格。
  5. Photographer Unknown. Spider-like mountain climber executes a Tyrolean traverse between spires in the Italian Dolomites. 一个行动类似蜘蛛的登山者象提洛尔人那样穿越意大利道罗麦特山脉的两座山峰。
  6. It soon became a favorite with Tyrolean singers, traveling up and down the continent in the winter to earn money. 这首歌很快成为提洛尔些卖艺者在冬天常奔忙于欧洲各地演唱赚钱。