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2024-02-16 21:50:17
美  英
n.  美国汽车`飞机`农业机械工人联合会


  1. In return, the UAW would own 55% of the company. 作为回报,联合汽车工会将获得公司55%25的股份。
  2. Cumbersome UAW work rules have only been tweaked. 繁琐的工会工作规则只能做调整。
  3. Our contract with the UAW covered tanks as well as cars. 我们同联合汽车工人工会的合同既包括汽车也包括坦克。
  4. Job security was the top issue for union members.The UAW U.A. 罢工的员工认为安全生产是最重要的条款。
  5. In return, the UAW would owe own 55% of the company. 作为回报,联合汽车工会将持有该公司55%25的股权。
  6. In return, the U.A.W UAW would own 55% of the company. 做为回报,美国汽车工人联合会会拥有55%25的公司股份。