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2024-02-16 22:31:16
美  英
abbr.  (英国)大学赠款委员会(=University Grants Committee)


  1. It came under the aegis of the UGC in the 1996-97 academic year. 由一九九六至一九九七学年起,香港教育学院已纳入教资会的资助范围。
  2. It came under the aegis of the UGC in the 1996-1997 academic year. 由1996至1997学年起,香港教育学院已纳入教资会的资助范围。
  3. Welcome to the UGCs Hong Kong Higher Education Discussion Forum. 欢迎到访大学教育资助委员会的高等教育论坛。
  4. The UGC plays a major role in monitoring quality assurance in its institutions. 教资会的另一项重要工作,是监察受资助院校的质素保证,并对各院校进行第一轮管理检讨。
  5. The UGC and the webmaster reserve the right to remove messages at any time. 大学教育资助委员会及网站管理员保留随时删除留言之权利。
  6. The UGC also launched a scheme to support the development of Areas of Excellence in the UGC-funded institutions. 教资会也推出计划,支持受资助院校发展卓越学科领域。