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2024-02-16 23:09:16
美[ˌʌlsəroʊdʒenɪk]  英[ʌlsərəʊdʒenɪk]
adj.  [医]产生溃疡的


  1. Established renal tuberculosis is sometimes called the ulcerogenic cavernous lesion. 确诊的肾结核有时称为海绵状溃疡病变。
  2. Increased ulcerogenic effect;decreased pharmacologic effect of aspirin.Conversely, salicylate toxicity may occur in patients who discontinue steroids with concurrent high-dose aspirin therapy. 增加胃溃疡的作用,阿司匹林药理下降,相反中断类固醇和高剂量使用阿司匹林会出现水杨酸的毒性。
  3. ulcerogenic pancreatic islet cell tumor 溃疡性胰岛细胞瘤
  4. Study on the Synthesis, Anti-inflammatory Activities and Ulcerogenic Effects of Benzimidazole Derivatives 苯并咪唑类衍生物的合成及其抗炎活性和致胃溃疡作用研究
  5. Wallace JL, Cinno G, Denucci G, et al. Endothelin has poteut ulcerogenic and Vasoconstrictor actions in the Stomach. Am J Physiol 1989; 256:661 孙绍金、黄裕新、许才绂.;内皮素对胃肠损伤作用机制的研究进展
  6. Gastric mucosal ulcerogenic responses induced by prokinetic drug metoclopromide in rat under prostaglandin deficient conditions and the possible mechanism 前列腺素缺乏条件下促胃动力药胃复安对大鼠胃粘膜的损伤作用与可能机制