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2024-02-16 23:15:17
美[ʌlɪdʒ]  英[ʌlɪdʒ]
n.  漏损量;空余量


  1. the amount that a container (as a wine bottle or tank) lacks of being full


  1. And then, we will deduct it as ROB in the ullage report. 好的,那我们一会在ROB报告中扣除这部分体积。
  2. In this connection, the ullage is controled and reduced whole hog. 使居高不下的商品损耗率得到了最大程度的控制和降低。
  3. Factors,which affect Activated carbon ullage,are analyzed. 对影响活性炭损耗的各因素进行了分析;
  4. An intelligence pressurization technology of high pressure and small ullage at low temperature tank is introduced. 摘要介绍了一种针对航天地面试验的高压、小气枕低温贮箱智能增压技术。
  5. The record-breaking bottle had, some muttered, suffered suspiciously little ullage (evaporation). 一些人私下里说,这瓶破记录的天价酒的蒸发损耗少得令人起疑。
  6. Sure, completely automatic, input ullage ,temperature and density, you will have report immediately . 是的,舱容表的数据都输入了电脑,只要输入空距、温度、密度就可以出结果了!