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2024-02-16 23:34:16
美[ʌltəməˌtɪzəm]  英[ʌltɪmətɪzəm]
n.  极端主义


  1. Do We Need “Ultimatism” in Philosophy? 哲学:还要不要"终极"?
  2. The language of command is the language of ultimatism. 命令的词句正是最后通牒主义的词句。
  3. We used torationally judge our culture with monism and ultimatism, together with intellectual idealism. 以往我们对文化的理性判断是一元的和终极性的,同时也是非常知识分子化和精英化的。
  4. Double-dyed counterrevolutionaries are those who point out the balefulness of ultimatism. 那些指出最后通牒主义的危害的人,就是双重反革命了。
  5. In Britain, the incompetence of ultimatism hits one in the eye because of the extreme weakness of the party. 在英国,最后通牒主义的虚弱无力是有目共睹的,这是因为共产党的极端软弱。
  6. We fall into a vicious circle, from which there is no way out by means of bureaucratic ultimatism. 我们陷入了一个恶性循环,在这儿,官僚最后通牒主义借任何方法都找不到出路。