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2024-02-16 23:57:16
美[ˌʌltrəfaɪn]  英[ʌltrəfaɪn]
adj.  特细的


  1. PDM vertical mill was studied to be used to produce ultrafine slag. 针对目前球磨机粉磨超细矿渣的缺点,本文探讨使用PDM型立磨来生产超细矿渣。
  2. If higher powder production, use products on the ultrafine centrifugal mill. 若要生产更高超细粉;可采用产品介绍中的离心式超细磨粉机.
  3. It is precisely these ultrafine perceptions that activate the individual. 正是这些精细的感知使个体活化的。
  4. The result shows the effect of China stone ultrafine crushing is obvious. 研究表明瓷石的超细粉碎效果明显,污染少,单位能耗低。
  5. Ultrafine Fe-Co bimetallic alloy by metal vapor synthesis method (MVS) was used for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide. 采用金属蒸气合成法(MVS)制备了超微细铁钴合金催化剂,用于二氧化碳常压加氢,并对比了共沉淀法所得催化剂的反应性能。
  6. Graphitization plays an important role in the synthesis of Ultrafine Diamond(UFD) during explosive detonation. 金刚石的石墨化对于炸药爆轰过程中金刚石的产出率有重要的影响。