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2024-02-16 23:59:16
美[ʌltrəɪzəm]  英[ʌltrəɪzəm]
n.  激进论;极端主义


  1. Current, russia has 250 many ultraism to organize in the activity. 目前,俄罗斯有250多个极端主义组织在活动。
  2. On the other hand, terroristic, splittism and ultraism increase the safe menace that is not traditional domain likely. 另一方面,恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义有可能增加非传统领域的安全威胁。
  3. In these ultraism organizations, "Bareheaded party " it is the ultraism with the most rampant, the greatest harm organizes the activity. 在这些极端主义组织中,“光头党”是活动最猖獗、危害最大的极端主义组织。
  4. Under the trend of globalization, culture hegemony and ultraism become an impediment of threatening human civilization development and challenge of culture diversity. 在当前全球化趋势不断强化的形势下,文化霸权主义和文化极端主义已经成为威胁人类文明健康和谐发展的严重障碍,也是对文化多样性的严峻挑战。
  5. People cannot ignore creation economy to increase opportunity and the long-term need that reduce poverty absolutely, because be miserably,cause the breeding ground of animosity and ultraism. 人们绝不能忽视创造经济增长机会和减少贫困的长期需要,因为贫困是滋生仇恨和极端主义的温床。
  6. international terrorist, nation and religious ultraism are right be in office party safety. 国际恐怖分子、民族分裂分子和宗教极端主义对执政党安全构成威胁。