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2024-02-17 00:12:16
美[ˌʌltrəmaɪkrəˌskoʊp]  英[ˌʌltrəmaɪkrəskəʊp]
n.  超高倍显微镜


  1. light microscope that uses scattered light to show particles too small to see with ordinary microscopes


  1. Of or relating to an ultramicroscope. 超微显微(镜)的或与超微显微(镜)有关的
  2. He invented the ultramicroscope in 1903, and two types of membrane filters in 1918 and 1922. 他于1903年发明了超显微镜,1918和1922年又分别发明了两种滤膜。
  3. Conclusion: Combined feces regular examination with ultramicroscope, the rate of chronic diarrhea that caused by yeast is distinctly examined. 研究结果提示合理应用和选择抗生素,降低酵母菌感染。
  4. too small to be seen without an ultramicroscope. 极小的以至没有超显微镜就看不见的。
  5. Keywords Ultramicroscope;Leucorrhea;Pathogen mixed infection; 超高倍显微镜;白带;病原体;混合感染;
  6. Keywords liver in the mouse;mercuric chloride;toxic effect;pathology form;ultramicroscope structure; 小鼠肝脏;氯化汞;毒性作用;病理形态;超微结构;