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2024-02-17 00:22:17
美[ˌʌltrəpjʊə]  英[ʌltrəpjʊə(r)]
adj.  超高纯的


  1. The first ultrapure fiber was made just four years later, in 1970. 仅仅四年之后,全球首个超纯纤维就于1970年问世。
  2. The RASIRC products deliver ultrapure steam that increases growth rate and decreases operating costs. 该产品提供RASIRC超纯蒸汽,增加生长率和降低运营成本。
  3. The RASIRC Steamer produces ultrapure steam by boiling de-ionized water, which is inexpensive and widely available. RASIRC汽轮机的生产超纯蒸汽煮沸去离子水,这是价格低廉,广为散发。
  4. It consists of 25 ultrapure crystals of sodium iodide totalling around 250 kilograms in mass. 它由25个总重约250千克超纯的碘化钠晶体组成。
  5. The paper introduces the principle, component and common breakdown of MILLIPORE ultrapure water system. 本文介绍了密理博超纯化水系统的简单原理、组成及常见故障。
  6. Use of ultrapure dialysate in reduction of chronic inflammation during Hemodialysis . 文章的名字Arizono K;Nomura K;Motoyama T;et al.