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2024-02-17 00:31:17
美[ʌltrəsɒnɪkeɪʃən]  英[ʌltrəsɒnɪkeɪʃən]
n.  [生化](超)声波降解法(指用超声波使细胞、病毒等降解的方法)


  1. In the research of extracting proteinase, the best method was ultrasonication and the optimum was staved by 200w, 10min. 在提取蛋白酶的实验中,确定用超声波破碎法来提取,最佳超声波破碎条件为破碎功率200瓦,破碎时间10分钟。
  2. Bioflocculant JT06 was extracted from dewatered sludge by ultrasonication,acetone precipitation and freezing desiccation. 城市垃圾和污水脱水污泥、排水管污泥已成为现代城市污染的主要问题。
  3. The flavonoids were extracted by ethanol with ultrasonication of the Artemisiae Argyi and their percentages were determined using spectrophotometry. 采用超声波乙醇浸提法从艾叶中提取黄酮类物质,分光光度法测定其含量。
  4. The acid-treated MWNTs can be dispersed into water to form very stable black aqueous colloids with the help of ultrasonication. 在超声作用的帮助下可以把这种酸处理的多壁碳管分散在水中形成一种黑色的水溶胶 .
  5. The ultrasonication of Thraustochytrium and the lipids extraction from it were studied, and the fatty acid composition of lipids was analyzed. 本文研究了超声波破碎破囊壶菌细胞及其脂质提取的方法,并对脂质脂肪酸组成进行了分析。
  6. In this paper, carbon nanotubes/epoxy nanocomposites were prepared by ultrasonication with carbon nanotubes as reinforcements and epoxy as matrx. 本文以环氧树脂(E-51)为基体,CNTs为增强剂,制备了CNTs/环氧树脂纳米复合材料。