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2024-02-17 00:33:16
美[ˌʌltrəsoʊnəˌgræm]  英[ʌltrəsɒnəgræm]
n.  超声记录图


  1. Abdominal ultrasonogram revealed a mass at the lower pole of left kidney. 腹部超音波显示一肿瘤位于左肾下级实质部。
  2. Diagnostic studies included scrotal scan, Doppler stethoscope or color duplex ultrasonogram. 而诊断的方法可使用核医阴囊扫描,杜卜勒听诊器或彩色杜卜勒超音波检查。
  3. Methods:Study and contrast the various kinds of ultrasonogram of threatened abortion,and do the statistic analysis. 方法:对先兆流产的不同超声图像进行研究,分类比较,并进行统计学分析。
  4. Purpose:To Study the property of the ultrasonogram about the remainder of uterogestation complicated infection. 目的:探讨宫内妊娠残留物合并感染后二维声像图特点。
  5. Objective To study the ultrasonogram of acute appendicitis and reason missed diagnosis. 目的研究急性阑尾炎的声像图特征及超声诊断的漏诊原因。
  6. Results:The benign tumor had calear border,regular shape and well distributed inner echos in ultrasonogram whi... 结果:该处良性及低度恶性肿瘤超声图像边界较清楚,形状较规则,内部回声较均匀;恶性程度较高的肿瘤则相反。