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2024-02-17 00:43:17
美[uːluː]  英[uːlʊ]
n.  乌卢刀(爱斯基摩妇女传统使用的一种刀片呈新月状的刀)


  1. "Hawaiis Mauna Ulu spouts a fountain of molten rock. 夏威夷的蒙纳乌鲁火山喷发出熔岩浆。
  2. ULU has a swimming pool, gymnasium and sports courts. ULU设有泳池、体育馆和运动场。
  3. ULU ulu is an importer of usa .we are interested in footwear. 采购类别:鞋类/靴子;鞋类/雪地靴;鞋类/其他鞋类;鞋类/皮鞋;
  4. This place is so ulu, you hardly see a single soul around even on weekends. 这地方太偏僻了,即使是在周末照样连鬼都见不到一个。
  5. Patterns in Nature: Lava A fountain of lava erupts from the Mauna Ulu vent in Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano. 意译:熔岩在自然界的模式。喷泉熔岩喷发从茂乌卢发泄在夏威夷的几劳亚活火山 。
  6. "We only had a small amount of APT102 to test, so in this set of experiments, we gave only a few doses of the drugs to the mice," Ulu鏺an explains. Ulu鏺an解释说:“由于我们用于实验的APT102数量较小,所以在试验中,我们给这些小鼠注射的APT102的剂量是低于其治疗量的。