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2024-02-17 00:45:17
美[ʌljʊleɪt]  英[juːljʊleɪt]
vi.  哀叫;哀鸣;失声痛哭
  形容词:ululant  名词:ululation  过去式:ululated  过去分词:ululated  现在分词:ululating  第三人称单数:ululates


  1. emit long loud cries;

    "wail in self-pity" "howl with sorrow"


  1. Is Misanthropy one of these ideas behind UlulatE? 在UlulatE背后有没有反人类的情绪?
  2. Here is only death, hatred, hatred and more hatred in UlulatEs music. 在Ululate的音乐中只存在死亡、憎恨、憎恨以及更多的憎恨。
  3. UlulatE now becomes more ferocious, more old school and much more influenced by 80s kreator, sodom, sarcofago and possessed. UlulatE现在更为凶残,更为老式,受到更多来自80年代乐队如Kreator、Sodom、Sarcofago以及Possessed的影响。
  4. Here we have the interview with Spectre, the only member of chinese BM act UlulatE, whose music I have reviwed in the russian section of my zine. 前言:今天我们专访的对象是Spectre,中国黑金属乐队UlulatE的唯一成员。我曾在自己的杂志上的俄罗斯部分报道过他的音乐。
  5. It is said that a large crowd of red-crowned cranes will fly to her tomb and ululate and then say good bye to her before they fly to the south each year. 据说每年鹤群飞往南方越冬之前,它们都要先到这个女孩的坟前哀鸣,向她告别。
  6. It concentrates on the Golovin family from Obukhovo, a village renamed when the new serfdom of collectivisation arrived, the church bells taken away to be melted down as peasants ululate. 这部分主要讲述了住在奥布科沃村的格勒温家的故事。奥布科沃这个村名是新的集体农奴制到来时改的。村民看着教堂的钟被拆除熔毁,痛哭流涕。