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2024-02-17 00:48:16
美  英
sp.  乌里扬诺夫斯克[苏联伏尔加河中游城市](旧称辛比尔斯克)


  1. Then we were sent for military training at Melikess camps in Ulyanovsk Region. 然后我们被送到了乌里扬诺夫斯克州的Melikess营接受军事训练。
  2. But few have been quite as blunt as Sergey Morozov, the governor of Ulyanovsk, a depressed region on the Volga. 但几乎没有人像乌里扬诺夫斯克省长莫洛左夫这麽直率,该省是窝瓦河一个很贫困的地区。
  3. Newly-weds Karina and Anton Bukhanovsky walked hand in hand down the main street of the regional capital of Ulyanovsk. 新婚夫妇卡丽娜和安顿?布克哈诺维斯基手牵着手走在乌里扬诺夫斯克州首府的大街上。
  4. They live in St Petersburg but travelled to Ulyanovsk to soak up the atmosphere on Wednesday. 他们居住在圣彼得堡,周三特意到乌里扬诺夫斯克去感受一下“气氛”。
  5. This is the third year Ulyanovsk region has dedicated a day to encouraging couples to produce more babies. 这是乌里扬诺夫斯克州第三年实行“造人日”计划。
  6. "Its normally something for the home -- a fridge or a television set," Yelena Yakovleva at the Ulyanovsk regional administration press office, said. 乌里扬诺夫斯克州地方政府新闻办公室的叶丽娜?雅克夫勒维说:“奖品通常是家居用品,比如冰箱或电视机。”