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2024-02-17 01:08:17
美[ʌmboʊ]  英[ʌmbəʊ]
n.  盾心;壳嘴;鼓膜脐
  形容词:umbonal  名词复数:umbones


  1. a slight rounded elevation where the malleus attaches to the eardrum


  1. The handle of the malleus, with the umbo at its tip, crosses the drum obliquely from the cone of light upward toward the short process. 对于处理锤骨的秘诀在于与鼓膜脐穿过鼓间接从锥光向上移动的短期进程.
  2. Leaves all scalelike, or scalelike on main branchlets and linear on lateral branchlets; seed cones pedunculate; umbo of cone scales without spines or projections. 全部叶鳞片状,或在主要部分小枝上和线形关于侧;球果有花序梗;珠鳞没有刺或预测的鳞脐。(7
  3. Abstract: Shanmen Silver ore field is geotectonically located in the south part of Daheishan rise in Changbai mountain umbo within the active continental margin to the east part of Eurasia plate. 山门银矿床是产在大黑山断隆南段的大型银矿床,本文通过对山门银矿床地质特征的全面分析,总结出该区的主要控矿因素,认为构造岩浆活动是最主要的控矿因素。
  4. umbo membranae tympani 鼓膜凸
  5. umbo of tympanic membrane 鼓膜脐