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2024-02-17 01:11:16
美[ʌmbreɪdʒəs]  英[ʌmbreɪdʒəs]
adj.  成荫的;易怒的
  副词:umbrageously  名词:umbrageousness


  1. filled with shade;

    "the shady side of the street" "the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed" "we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove" "cool umbrageous woodlands"

  2. angered at something unjust or wrong;

    "an indignant denial" "incensed at the judges unfairness" "a look of outraged disbelief" "umbrageous at the loss of their territory"


  1. They have not been as umbrageous in demanding their territory back. 他们从未以如此好战的态度要求归还领土。
  2. They have never been so umbrageous in demanding their territory back. 他们从未以如此好战的态度要求归还领土。
  3. You will feel that in those umbrageous places life from immemorial times has been led according to immemorial ways. 你会感到,在这些浓萌郁郁的地方,远自太古以来生活就一直按照古老的习俗,绵绵不息地延续到现在。
  4. Its fine maybe because of the shinning sun, its worse maybe because of the suddenly umbrageous sky. 心情好,也许只因为一束灿烂的阳光;心情差,也许只因为突然阴翳的天空。
  5. Tom is really a dispassionate man,he never loses control of himself and hardly becomes umbrageous. 第二种倾向的翻译法正好相反,使用了不严肃,不易理解的英语习语,很多人同样不明白。
  6. It makes us shiver to think of those deep, umbrageous recesses, those overshadowing banks, where we found such enjoyment during the sultry afternoons. 酷热的下午在树林深处。绿叶丛中,或堤畔河岸,树荫底下我们会顿忘炎威,周身舒泰,现在回想,似乎骨头里都会凉爽起来。