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2024-02-17 01:26:17
美[ʌmpaɪrɪdʒ]  英[ʌmpaɪərɪdʒ]
n.  仲裁人之地位


  1. mediation by an umpire
  2. the act of umpiring;

    "the officiating was excellent"


  1. Free administrative umpirage inevitablly plays both positive and negative roles, and the negativeness is brought about by the abuses of umpirage. 行政自由裁量权与其他行政权一样,在其运行过程中,不可避免地会产生正反两方面的作用,它消极作用的集中表现就是行政自由裁量权被滥用。
  2. As a general character of the administrative laws of all modem countries, administrative umpirage is a power the government must have in order to perform its functions. 摘要行政自由裁量权是现代各国行政法中最具共性的部分,是实现政府职能所必需的权力。
  3. On Sino Foreign Public Prosecution Umpirage System 中外公诉裁量制度初探
  4. administration unrestrained umpirage 行政裁量权
  5. Trial discussions about the free umpirage of a judge 试论法官自由裁量权
  6. Talk about Rational Control over Free Administrative Umpirage 试论对行政自由裁量权的合理控制