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2024-02-17 01:48:17
美[ʌnæksentɪd]  英[ʌnæksentɪd]
adj.  无重音的;无抑扬的


  1. used of syllables;

    "an atonic syllable carries no stress"

  2. (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress;

    "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable" "a weak stress on the second syllable"


  1. The upbeat or unaccented part of a measure. 弱拍弱拍或小节中弱唱的部分
  2. A word, syllable, or sound that is unaccented. 无重读音节不重读的单词、音节或单音
  3. An unaccented beat in a measure. 弱拍节拍中被不重击的拍节
  4. A metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables. 二短音步一种有节奏的步伐,上有两个短或无重音的音节
  5. Distinguishes between accented and unaccented characters. 区分重音字符和非重音字符。
  6. Does not distinguish between accented and unaccented characters. 不区分重音字符和非重音字符。