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2024-02-17 01:53:17
美[ˌʌnəkɒməˌdeɪtɪŋ]  英[ʌnəkɒmədeɪtɪŋ]
adj.  不与通融的


  1. not accommodating;

    "the unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door"

  2. offering no assistance;

    "rudely unaccommodating to the customers" "icily neutral, disagreeably unhelpful"


  1. We sincerely hope that you will not think us unaccommodating. 希望你方不要认为我们是不肯通融的。
  2. We sincerely hope at you will not think us unaccommodating. 我们真诚的希望你们不要认为我们是不肯通融的。
  3. The unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door. 那个冷漠的公共汽车司机突然发动了车,她就重重地撞在了门上。
  4. The unaccommodating bus driver pulled out when she was banging on the door. 那个冷漠的公共汽车司机突然发动了车,她就重重地撞在了门上。
  5. As we must adhere to our customary practice , we hope that you will not think us unaccommodating . 由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯做法,我们希望你不要认为我们是[不肯通融的]。
  6. As we ought to adhere to our customary practice, we hope those you will not consider us unaccommodating. 由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯做法,我们希望你不要认为我们是不肯通融的。