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2024-02-17 02:03:16
美[ˌʌnəkwaɪrəbəl]  英[ˌʌnəkwaɪərəbl]
adj.  不可取得的;不能获得的
sp.  不可占有的.


  1. This technique has been successfully applied to the fields of life science,chemistry and physics,and has provided important informations unacquirable by conventional means. 这种方法已成功地用于生命科学、化学、物理学等研究领域,获得了常规方法无法得到的重要信息。
  2. This technique has been successfully applied to the fields of life science, chemistry and physics, and has provided important informations unacquirable by conventional means. 这种方法已成功地用于生命科学、化学、物理学等研究领域,获得了常规方法无法得到的重要信息。