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2024-02-17 02:44:17
美[ʌneɪmɪəbəl]  英[ʌneɪmjəbl]
adj.  不和蔼的;不友好的


  1. She has an unamiable disposition. 她的性情不温柔。
  2. Thenardier pretended not to hear this unamiable remark. 德纳第只装做没有听见这句不大客气的话。
  3. Any other observer might have seen few but unamiable traits, and have given them a far darker colouring. 至于别的旁观者,恐怕不会看出什么讨人喜欢的品性,只能说出些糟糕得多的评价。
  4. which, duly mingled with a fair proportion of doctrinal ingredient, constitutes a highly respectable, efficacious, and unamiable variety of the clerical species. 如果再加之适量的教义的交融,就会形成一种极受尊敬、颇有效验又高高在上的牧师的典型。
  5. Unami 宇纳(姓,日本)