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2024-02-17 03:01:16
美[ˌʌnəpɪzd]  英[ʌnəpiːzd]
adj.  未平息的;未加抚慰的;未缓和的;未予满足的


  1. Something unappeased is within me; it longs to find expression. 我心中有种无法抚平的欲望,它渴望化为言辞。
  2. Something unappeased, unappeasable, is within me; it longs to find expression. A craving for love is within me, which speaks itself the language of love. 我心中有种无法抚平的欲望,它渴望化为言辞。我心中有一种爱的渴望,它说着爱的言语。
  3. "Rivers flowing with evil shall be obstacles the old flame of ire unappeased..." “恶潮涌流之河滞塞着无法平息的忿怒古老火焰。。。”