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2024-02-17 03:24:16
美[ʌnəsɜːtɪv]  英[ʌnəsɜːtɪv]
adj.  不武断的;谦虚的
  副词:unassertively  名词:unassertiveness


  1. inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence;

    "a shy unassertive person"


  1. One who has a meek,timid,unassertive nature. 胆小如鼠的人,懦夫个性懦弱、胆小、不坚定的人
  2. One who has a meek, timid, unassertive nature. 胆小如鼠的人,懦夫个性懦弱、胆
  3. Allen has a meek, timid, and unassertive nature. 艾伦是个温顺,胆小,拘谨的人。
  4. Mr Lee is one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the company. 李先生是这个公司中极少数谦逊而不盛气凌人的人之一。
  5. Dr. Todt was one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the government. 托特博士是这个政府中极少数谦逊而不盛气凌人的人之一。
  6. Mr.Fukuda was born into a political family, but was too modest and unassertive to be a natural politician. 虽然福田出生于政治世家,但却由于太过谦逊、缺乏决断力而被认为不是天生的政治家。