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2024-02-17 04:53:17
美[ʌnbriːðəbəl]  英[ʌnbriːðəbl]
adj.  不宜于呼吸的;不宜吸入的


  1. Likewise, the air is almost unbreathable. 同样地,那里的空气几乎让人无法呼吸。)
  2. So much smoke was given off by the burning coal that the air soon became unbreathable . 燃烧着的煤发出如此多的烟,很快使空气不宜呼吸。
  3. Here in the thicker medium of the unbreathable Fantoman atmosphere, great Breetai gazed down on a place out of memory. 在凡托玛无法呼吸的浓厚大气层里,大布里泰向下凝视着这片记忆之外的土地。
  4. The aura around me was thick with unbreathable quietness, eerie, unbearable and frightening my tear-causing thoughts. 我的周围是一片寂静,静着让我有些窒息。这种寂静是那样的怪异,让人能以忍受,吓着我不禁停止了那令人心酸的思考。
  5. Chinas fast-pace growth has left the country with countless environmental problems, from unbreathable air to desertification to poor water quality. 从空气污染到土地沙漠化再到水污染,中国在快速发展的同时也面临着一系列的环境问题。
  6. That subterranean world, Onstott said, is a lightless pool of hot, pressurized salt water that stinks of sulfur and noxious gases humans would find unbreathable. Onstott说道,那个地下世界是一个没有光的热池,压力下的盐水散发着让人无法呼吸的硫黄和有毒气体。