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2024-02-17 05:12:16
美[ʌnbɪznɪsˌlaɪk]  英[ʌnbɪznɪslaɪk]
adj.  非实事求是的;无组织的;无效能的


  1. It is unbusinesslike to arrive late for meetings. 开会迟到不是办正事的态度.
  2. The reply was couched in somewhat unbusinesslike terms. 回信的措词有些不合商业常规。
  3. You do not take off your jacket or even loosen your tie.That would be sloppy and unbusinesslike. 不能脱外套,甚至不能松领带,否则会显得懒散拖沓,不像办公的样子。
  4. unbusinesslike methods, transactions, attitudes 不守业务规矩的方法﹑ 交易﹑ 态度
  5. Unbusinesslike methods,transactions, attitudes 不守业务规矩的方法、交易、态度
  6. That would be sloppy and unbusinesslike 那样会显得无条理,不是办公事的样子。