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2024-02-17 06:02:17
美[ʌnʃɪəl]  英[ʌnsɪəl]
n.  安色尔字体;安字体的抄本
adj.  安色尔字体的


  1. a style of orthography characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters; found especially in Greek and Latin manuscripts of the 4th to 8th centuries
  1. relating to or written in majuscule letters (which resemble modern capitals);

    "uncial letters"


  1. A small cursive script developed from uncial. 小写草书体由安色尔字体发展而来。
  2. Uncial script, mixing both types, developed in the 3rd century AD. 拉丁安色尔字体就是在西元3世纪从这类混合体发展出来的。
  3. A large letter, either capital or uncial, used in writing or printing. 大字母书写或印刷中的大字母、大写或小写
  4. A small, cursive script developed from uncial between the seventh and ninth centuries and used in medieval manuscripts. 小书写体一种在7世纪至9世纪之间从安色尔字体发展而来的小的手写字体,用于中世纪时的书写
  5. A small,cursive script developed from uncial between the seventh and ninth centuries and used in medieval manuscripts. 小书写体一种在7世纪至9世纪之间从安色尔字体发展而来的小的手写字体,用于中世纪时的书写
  6. Last,the relationships among Neofelis nebulosa,Panthera pardus,Uncia uncial and Panthera tigris,the results show they are also close,supporting their inclusion in the genus Panthera. 云豹(Neofelisnebulosa)、豹(Pantherapardus)、雪豹(Unciauncia)、虎(Pantheratigris)具有较近的亲缘关系,支持将它们同归于豹属(Panthera)的观点